紫气东来 一带一路国际美术交流展(乌克兰巡展)汇报展 江苏艺术基金2016年度资助项目 PROPITIOUSOMEN FROM THE EAST the Belt and Road International Art Exchange Exhibition(Ukraine Exhibition) AidingProjects of Jangsu Arts foundation in 2016 学术主持 奥斯泰普·克瓦利丘克 AcademicDirector OstapKovalchuk 策展人 瓦连金·伟利奇科 Curator ValentynVelychko 主办单位 乌克兰国立美术与建筑学院 乌克兰美术家协会 乌克兰驻华大使馆 南通大学 ORGANISERS UkrainianNational Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture heNational Artists Union of Ukraine Embassyof the Ukraine in China NantongUniversity 承办单位 南通大学艺术学院 SPONSOR Schoolof Arts Nantong University 展出时间 2017年12月4日—12月10日 展出地点 南通大学艺术学院美术馆一号展厅 前言 PREFACE 有时候,不远万里,为的也只是逐梦烟云的一段旅程,途中风景人物,千差万别,沧海桑田,变化万千。两千多年前,汉使张骞出使西域,开辟丝绸之路,横跨欧亚,古老中国从此与世界相连。两千年后的今天,我们承袭了丝绸之路的文明,奏响了“一带一路”的新乐章。 Sometimes, travelling thousands of miles is justfor the sake of the scenery on the way, which always vary dramatically. Morethan two thousand years ago, Zhang Qian was sent to the western regions to openup the Silk Road, travelling across the Eurasian continent and bridging theancient China and the world. Two thousand years later, we have inherited thecivilization of the Silk Road, playing a new symphony about the One Belt OneRoad Initiative. 真正有生命力的艺术活动,是能够向大千世界尽情敞开并开放的系统。纵观中国文化历史,发觉“中西并蓄、接纳古今”这一强大的基因从未沉睡,一直延续至今,在历史的烟云和宽阔的疆域中穿越,尽得风流。 A truly vigorous art activity is a system open tothe world. Throughout the history of Chinese culture, it is found that thepowerful gene of combination of the Chinese and the Western, as well as the acceptanceof the ancient and the modern has never been asleep, instead, it haspassed on till now. 基于“一带一路”的艺术合作发展理念,南通大学艺术学院积极拓宽国际合作平台,大力推进国际艺术交流。2015年11月,南通大学艺术学院、乌克兰国立美术与建筑学院、乌克兰驻上海总领事馆联合主办了“紫气东来——2015一带一路国际美术交流展”。2017年11月,南通大学艺术学院将走进乌克兰,举办“紫气东来——一带一路2017国际美术交流展(乌克兰巡展)”,集中展示来自多个国家艺术家的美术作品,涵盖了中国画、油画、版画、书法、雕塑、漆画等多种艺术表现形式。 Inspired by the idea of cooperation in the OneBelt One Road Initiative, School of Arts of Nantong University has activelyexpand international cooperation and vigorously promote the internationalexchange. In November 2015, it has, together with Ukraine’s National Academy ofFine Arts and Architecture and Consulate General of the Ukraine in Shanghai,organized the“PROPITIOUS OMEN FROM THE EAST” -The Belt and Road Art Exchange Exhibition in 2015. In November 2017, it willonce again come to Ukraine for the“PROPITIOUS OMEN FROM THE EAST” -The Belt and Road Art Exchange Exhibition in 2017 (Ukraine Exhibition), which will present manyworks of art from several countries, including Chinese painting, oil painting,print, calligraphy, sculpture andlacquerpainting,etc. 透过艺术家的眼睛,异质文明之间的壁垒和藩篱将逐渐被削弱,东西文化艺术的交流也变得生动起来。借用古代“丝绸之路”的历史符号,借助既有的、行之有效的区域力量,南通大学艺术学院期待建立起跨越国度的文化纽带,推动艺术研究、学科建设、人才培养与国际接轨,共同打造文化包容、利益共同、命运共同、责任共同的文化体构。 Throughthe eyes of artists, the barriers between heterogeneous civilizations will begradually weakened, and the exchanges between eastern and western cultures willbecome vivid. By means of the historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, aswell as the existing and effective regional power, School of Arts of NantongUniversity intends to establish the cultural ties across the countries, so asto integrate in the world in terms of art research, disciplineconstruction andalentcultivation, and to work together for the cultural structure of inclusive culture,common interests, common destiny and common responsibility. 当我们横跨了欧亚大地,去到一个新的梦想之地,异国的情调、不通的言语、独特的文化,都可能因为艺术交流而碰撞出绚丽的火花。这正是艺术的魅力所在。丝路还在,山川依旧,岁月沧桑,唯有交流互通、推陈出新,艺术梦想才能绽放精彩。 When we cross the Eurasian continent and get to anew dream land, we will find that all the things like exotic atmosphere,different languages and the unique culture will bring the brilliant sparks ofarts during the artistic exchanges. And it is just the charm of art. No matterhow time flies, exchanges and innovation will enrich every art dream. |